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Dyslexia Teaching Centre


Our aim is to create a positive Maths experience for all children,  despite any difficulties they are experiencing.

Sometimes children need extra support away from the busy classroom and greatly benefit from one-to-one intervention in numeracy, allowing key concepts to be consolidated.

In our one-to-one maths booster lessons, we use innovative, multi-sensory strategies to develop your child’s base numeracy skills, building their confidence, so they can apply key mathematical operations in the main classroom setting.  Our numeracy lessons are structured and cumulative, providing a safe place for your child to engage with maths in a fun, engaging manner.

We firmly believe that all children can access maths and be empowered to take ownership of their own learning.

Before arranging tuition for your child, we ask that you complete our questionnaire and provide as much detail as you can.  This will allow us to provide a bespoke learning package, supporting your child with appropriate learning intervention.

For more information please contact the centre on 075 9221 2375 or email us at